Bars, hoops & Qs
Finishing Helpers
Gift Stuff
Pins & Needles
16" Mini Stretcher Bars Colonial
15" Mini Stretcher Bars Colonial
6" Mini Stretcher Bars Colonial
15" Stretcher Bars Colonial
14" Stretcher Bars Colonial
13" Stretcher Bars Colonial
12" Stretcher Bars Colonial
11" Stretcher Bars Colonial
Perfect Scissors 6" Karen Kay Buckley
Perfect Multi-Purpose Scissors Karen Kay Buckley
Perfect Scissors 4" Karen Kay Buckley
Mini Mad for Plaid Project Bag It's Sew Emma
Kirkland Minder
Sullivans Heirloom Embroidery Scissors Silver and Gold Teardrop Handles
Sullivans Heirloom Embroidery Scissors Gunmetal and Gold Teardrop Handles
Sullivans Heirloom Embroidery Scissors Antique Silver Large Teardrop Handle
Sullivans Heirloom Embroidery Scissors Antique Copper Large Teardrop Handle
Sullivans Heirloom Embroidery Scissors Gunmetal & Gold Round Handles
Finishing Dots -large It's Sew Emma
Finishing Dots -small It's Sew Emma
Can of Marking Pins My Big Toe
Mighty Bright NuFlex Light White
Self Finishing Ornament Tilli Tomas
Ultimate Stitch Buddy Stitchy Prose
House Minder Les Secrets de Marie
#22-26 Chenille Needle Pony Colored Eye
#26 Chenille Needle Pony Colored Eye
#24 Chenille Needle Pony Colored Eye
#22 Chenille Needle Pony Colored Eye
#22-26 Tapestry Needle Pony Colored Eye