Needle News |
Hey Hey Hey Y'all!I hope summer was good to everyone! There is "just a bit" happening in the shop in in next fe months. I'll try to be brief.Markets!I partitcipated in the Viral Needlework (cross stitch) last weekend. There were quite a few new designers and of course new designs attending. Packages are trickling in every day. Online, look in the "Just Arrived" tab and in the shop, the front tiered table, of course! The Fall Needlepoint Market in Frisco in the last weekend of September this year. Needlepointers- If you want me to look specific canvases, text the shop!!Classes and Events!Do check the website they are all there for sign ups. Hardanger with Jackie- part 1 AND 2. She will be offering the beginner basic project and if you attended her class this summer, she will have a more advanced project available for you. Sign up soon as seats are limited!Dorsett Buttons with Joy- such a cute traditional project. You'll finish 3 buttons in class and be ready to make more on your own. Basic Needlepoint with Lisa- learn 5 stitches including basketweave and continental in a cute fall pumpkin.BYOP Pi with Lisa- stitch your own Pumpkin Pi. Brng your own hollow foam craft pumpkin and make Pi. Drimel drills are helpful as well, so bring it if you've got it!Spooky Stitch Night- Oct 24th from 5-9. Stitching, Shopping, Spooking. Come in costume if you'd like. Bring a daring dish, monster munchie, or a devilish dessert to share! Please rsvp to the shop phone! 737-221-8902Name that Fabric- Two Chicks Stitchery has 3 new colors that need names. We have samples at the shop to look at and a suggestion jar. We will take ideas for 2 weeks and then pick one of the names. The person or people with the winning name will receive a small gift certificate to the shop in appreciation.Sales!Mark your calendar for 1st Friday Fabric and 3rd Thursday Threads every month!RED Friday is 20% off Patriotic charts and needlepoint every Friday.Halloween Week from the 24th through the 31st, Halloween is 20% off -charts and needlepoint canvases. I know there is something else, but it eludes me. So in an effort to get this published, I am signing off for now. Be sure to check our FB page or Instagram for pop up sales and other news!Cheers and have a great weekend!Lisa
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