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Hello Everyone!
I must say this last month has passed by with ridiculous speed. I have had some ups and downs both with the shop and personally. First the ups! I attended the Nashville Market with my daughter. I drove (let me tell you that was a loong day) and she flew in from Virginia. I managed to arrive at the airport at the same time she did and made a beeline for the bathroom! We had a great time and bought looooots of fun stuff. I finished a cute little bell model yesterday; look for it on the FB page! I had a great time bragging about my humble little girl, the Navy helicopter pilot! In the shop, my husband and son build a really nifty thread rack and a friend of my son build a cool checkout counter. The boys are in the process of building chart racks that will be mobile, have storage and showcase charts nicely. Lastly, I am very happy to showcase my new logo!
Those are the ups, so now for the downs. I had a huge delay with the furniture because my boys were not supposed to build the chart displays. The gentleman that I contracted with in January told me the week or so before Market that he would not be able to do the work (and there I was thinking he was about done). Talk about frustrating! On a personal level, I have been having some medical issues which is slowing, well, everything down. I was finally able to see a specialist this week and will probably be having surgery in the next week or two. At least I have a diagnosis! Needless to say, the grand opening I had hoped to do in mid-March is QUITE delayed. If you are a local stitcher (SA to Austin areas) and were planning on picking up Market items at the opening, I would be happy to ship to you at no charge, just click "pick up" instead of shipping and add your address into the notes section.)
Well, that's the scoop. Have a great Stitchy Day! Lisa
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